11 foods to avoid with cold sores
Cold sores are painful, pus-filled blisters occurring on one’s face, typically around the nose or mouth. They are caused by herpes simplex virus infection, usually spread through close physical contact. These cold sores require a systematic treatment course for a speedy recovery. Besides consulting a dermatologist and following the prescribed treatment, making certain changes to one’s meal plan and lifestyle can facilitate healing. Here are some foods to avoid with cold sores.
White meat
White meat sources, including chicken and turkey breast, have the highest quantities of arginine, a type of amino acid. The herpes simplex virus requires arginine to multiply in the body; thus, the reduction of arginine levels can play a crucial role in managing cold sores. Avoiding white meat can facilitate speedy recovery for people with cold sores.
Citrus fruits, such as oranges may irritate the cold sores and cause a burning sensation in the affected area. So, it helps to avoid oranges and other citrus fruits till the sores heal completely.
At advanced stages, individuals with cold sores may experience difficulties in opening their mouths wide, as the sore is extremely vulnerable to bursting open. Thus, it is important to avoid pizzas and other foods that require one to open their mouth wide.
Dark chocolate
Although dark chocolate is generally healthier than white chocolate, it is higher in arginine and should be avoided with cold sores.
White vinegar
White vinegar contains 7% acetic acid, higher than any other type of vinegar. Such high acid levels can worsen cold sores and must be avoided.
Sugary foods and beverages
A cold-sore outbreak indicates that the immune system is unable to optimally protect the body against external agents. Added sugar further weakens the immune system by preventing white blood cells from destroying bacteria. Thus, it is essential to limit or avoid sugary foods and beverages, including desserts and soft drinks.
French fries
Even the smallest serving of French fries from fast-food joints typically contains around 164 mg of sodium. French fries are loaded with salt, which can aggravate one’s cold sores considerably. It is best to avoid such salted processed foods, and instead, opt for fresh fruits, vegetables, and other wholesome alternatives.
Pumpkin seeds
A cup of pumpkin seeds contains nearly seven grams of arginine. So, although pumpkin seeds are packed with nutrients, they are a no-no for individuals susceptible to or suffering from cold sores, as they can worsen the condition significantly.
Oats contain relatively high levels of arginine among whole grains and should be avoided with cold sores. Some other grains like corn, brown rice, and buckwheat are also high in this amino acid. However, since grains are typically unavoidable, some alternatives with lower levels of arginine include rice bran, canned hominy, cooked millet, and cooked couscous.
Spicy foods
Spicy foods are major irritants for cold sores and can increase pain and inflammation considerably. It is best to eliminate spicy foods and spice in all forms while grappling with cold sores. Spicy curries, spice powders in stir-fries and gravies, and chili peppers are some common foods to avoid to manage cold sores.
Caffeinated beverages
Research suggests that there may be an association between caffeine intake and the aggravation of cold sores. Since caffeinated beverages are highly acidic, it helps to avoid or limit the consumption of beverages like tea and coffee, at least during a cold-sore outbreak. Moreover, coffee contains salicylic acid in high concentrations, which can generally irritate the mouth and tongue.
Besides avoiding the above foods, including certain foods in one’s nutrition regime can help with the healing process. Studies have demonstrated that lysine helps in curing cold sores. Foods rich in lysine include red meat, Parmesan cheese, eggs, soybeans, and dehydrated apricots. Adding these foods to one’s meals may help fight cold sores better.
In general, having anti-inflammatory foods and foods rich in antioxidants can help manage cold sores. Some natural remedies for cold sores include placing ice or cold compress and applying products like petroleum jelly and aloe vera. Staying hydrated and eliminating stressors can also go a long way in providing relief from cold sores. However, such remedies can only work alongside treatment options. So, consulting a dermatologist on time and following a systematic treatment course is essential to recover from cold sores.