Effective tips for managing Alzheimer’s disease
For around 70% of all dementia cases, the root cause is Alzheimer’s disease . This neurological disorder severely affects thinking, memory, organizing skills, and eventually, one’s ability to carry out even the simplest daily tasks. Although there is no cure for reversing or stopping the symptoms, a few key measures for treatment and prevention may help in addressing this condition. The tips discussed herein can help with effectively managing Alzheimer’s disease in people :
Tips for patients
For those at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, one might find the tips listed below quite useful:
Stay occupied
Keeping the brain engaged by reading a book, learning something online, or taking a class will help to boost thinking capabilities. Such activities are crucially necessary to take care of one’s mental health. And if one has symptoms of anxiety, depression, or other similar concerns, consulting a health care expert can assist in regulating these mental illnesses.
Exercise regularly
A link between physical activity and the reduced risk of cognitive decline has been found through various studies. This link proves how essential it is to exercise every day. Physical activity can boost the heart rate and promote blood flow to the body and the brain.
Avoid head injuries
Brain injury may increase the risk of cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease , and subsequently, dementia. One can try to avoid brain injuries by following simple preventive measures such as wearing a helmet, fastening a seat belt, and taking caution when riding a bike, driving a car, and playing contact sports.
Follow balanced meal plans
Eating a healthy, balanced and nutritious meal helps provide proper nutrition to the body and the brain. Try having a meal plan low in fats and rich in vegetables and fruits to reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and fresh juices.
Get sufficient sleep
Take rest whenever required and try to improve sleep quality. This step will help in relaxing the brain muscles. Avoid having a long sleep during the day and try going to sleep and waking up at the same time to ensure a good night’s rest.
Tips for caregivers
Taking care of a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease can be quite challenging. In addition to making them stay physically active through regular exercise, one can ask them to perform some chores by themselves with minimal supervision. One may also encourage them to read and solve puzzles. Here are a few other tips that might be beneficial when dealing with and looking after a loved one with this condition:
Reduce distractions
Turning off the TV during mealtime and conversations will help patients be more attentive to the task at hand. Removing these distractions will help in getting the attention and focus of the individual with Alzheimer’s disease .
Schedule a daily routine
Try to establish a set of daily tasks, but allow some flexibility in the tasks of the individual with Alzheimer’s. Try encouraging them to try and do a few simple tasks on their own. Let them take their time in mastering their process and allocate time for breaks. Be patient and do not get frustrated as patients with this condition may take longer to perform even a simple task, such as eating their meals.
If one is not a trained health care expert, it is necessary to gain knowledge about this disease and the condition of the loved one. This step will help in boosting communication with them. Consult an expert, attend appointments, and ask questions that one may have about the condition.
Enable healthy eating
Including foods such as green leafy vegetables such as spinach and whole grains provides cognitive benefits. Such a nutritional regime is always helpful for people with Alzheimer’s disease . One needs to avoid foods with added sugar and oil.
Make the home a safe space
Taking steps to prevent falls and other injuries, such as removing small rugs, putting mats and handrails in the shower, and placing latches on the cabinet doors, will ensure the patient’s safety. Try creating a soothing and calming environment for those with Alzheimer’s disease .
Tips for effective communication
Clearly communicating with a person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. So, keeping the following points in mind might be beneficial:
- Try keeping the instructions and responses short and simple.
- Let them take their time to process the instructions.
- Be patient with them, and if required, try repeating the instructions.
- Learn about their nonverbal cues.
- Sometimes also use humor to break the tension.
- Avoid arguing with the patient and forcing them to complete tasks .
- Raising one’s voice to a patient can be detrimental and needs to be avoided.
- Try giving options and avoid asking open-ended questions.
- Be patient with an Alzheimer’s patient’s shifting mood and behavior.
Alzheimer’s disease gets worse with time , so following the right treatment options and lifestyle changes may help manage it. However, to improve the quality of life and for the proper treatment and diagnosis, it is always recommended to consult a healthcare expert or doctor.