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Foods to avoid for people suffering from schizophrenia

Foods to avoid for people suffering from schizophrenia

For patients suffering from health conditions like schizophrenia, inflammatory factors can further increase the risks related to the illness. One factor that has been found to affect the inflammatory state is a person’s nutritional regime. Certain kinds of food negatively impact inflammation, while some others prevent such conditions. For example, Omega-3 fatty acids are highly recommended for people diagnosed with schizophrenia because they are anti-inflammatory.

Food rich in carbohydrates & gluten

Various studies held on this topic point to the fact that high-carb foods can intensify some symptoms of schizophrenia. Foods containing wheat like bread and other items like potatoes, corn, milk, popcorn, spaghettis, cookies, etc., should undoubtedly be off your list if you suffer from mental issues. It is best to switch to a low-carb food plan only after consultation with your therapist. While researchers are still trying to find the link between a low-carb nutritional regime and mental problems, some studies opine that gluten-rich foods that trigger celiac diseases in people have some linkage with schizophrenia . It has been found that people with mental health issues might also be intolerant to gluten and higher levels of carbohydrates.

Processed sugar

Closely linked to carbohydrates is sugar which can often stimulate mood swings. Thus, the intake of foods high in processed or refined sugar, like soda, desserts, etc., can worsen the patient’s mental condition. The bottom line is that such patients should avoid added sugars altogether and replace them with alternatives like whole fruits.

Sweet desserts

If you love sweet dishes, you should be extra careful while consuming artificially-sweetened desserts, cookies, cakes, etc. It is because these sweeteners have no nutritional value. Also, researchers have discovered during studies that artificial sweeteners can aggravate mental health conditions. Another important fact is that sweeteners are often addictive. Therefore, even if initially the patient’s condition does not worsen, over time, things can get severe if a total ban is not applied to such food ingredients.

Dairy Products

Dairy products like cheese and milk can increase inflammatory conditions in the body. This is more true for people who are lactose intolerant. For patients suffering from cognitive issues, lactose intolerance can aggravate symptoms. Therefore, experts often advise cutting down on dairy products to ensure the overall wellness of the patient. It is ideal to stop consuming such products for a certain period of time and assess if the patient’s overall health condition is better. If there is an improvement, a therapist can be consulted, and the person’s nutritional plan can be adjusted.

Processed foods

Processed food items like tinned vegetables, biscuits, bread, vegetable oils like soybean and corn oil, etc., contain higher amounts of Omega 6 fatty acids. However, for patients with mental conditions like schizophrenia, food items high in Omega 3 fatty acids are recommended as these are anti-inflammatory. Processed foods contain lesser Omega 3s and more of Omega 6s. A higher ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 can potentially cause increased inflammation in the body. This, in turn, can be bad news for patients with cognitive issues. Therefore, avoiding processed foods rich in Omega 6s is strongly recommended for such patients.


An increase in sodium or salt consumption can be harmful to everyone. People with mental health conditions are at greater risk when their daily salt consumption exceeds the advised limits. High-salt foods can harm the heart and brain, according to reports. Studies indicate that people consuming higher amounts of salt can have mental health issues in their daily lives. The American Heart Association recommends consuming not more than 2,300 mg of sodium daily for healthy adults, while for others, it should be maintained below 1,500 mg per day.

Avoiding these foods can lower the risks and symptoms of your mental condition. While you need to focus on your therapy, a holistic approach certainly helps maintain your overall health. Before starting or changing your nutritional plan, it is best if you speak with your doctor regarding the same.

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