Foods to Manage Pulmonary Fibrosis Symptoms
Pulmonary fibrosis is a long-term lung condition that causes inflammation in the lung tissues. It further leads to the tissues to be become thick and stiff, making breathing difficult and progressively leading to shortness of breath. While the damage caused by the disease cannot be repaired, there are ways to manage the condition through certain treatment options and dietary changes that help maintain lung health in the long run.
These nitrate-rich vegetables are among the best foods to incorporate into meals for those with lung disease. The beets and beet greens are known to be filled with nitrates that improve lung function in individuals. This compound helps relax the blood vessels, allows oxygen optimization, and reduces blood pressure. Other lung essential nutrients that can be found in this vegetable include magnesium, vitamin C, potassium, and carotenoid antioxidants. In addition, studies show that taking beetroot supplements can help improve physical performance and lung function, especially for those dealing with COPD and even pulmonary hypertension.
A great source of fiber and gut health, pumpkins also contain a specific plant compound that is especially known to improve lung health. These plant compounds are carotenoids, which include lutein, zeaxanthin, and carotenoids. These are all known to be highly effective antioxidants and also contain anti-inflammatory properties that can be useful in lung health. According to studies, young adults and seniors can improve their lung health if higher levels of carotenoids are found in their blood.
A spice that has been used in traditional healing practices for centuries, turmeric is also popular in the scientific community. Thanks to all the research done over the years to understand its healing properties. Its main active component, curcumin, is especially beneficial in supporting lung health. There have been studies done to suggest that those associated with curcumin intake are also associated with improved lung function. This can especially be helpful to those leading an unhealthy lifestyle.
These fruit berries are studied to be rich sources of anthocyanins which include malvidin, peonidin, petunidin, delphinidin, and also cyanidin. These are all responsible for preventing oxidative damage that can harm lung tissue. These are the powerful pigments that give blueberry its vibrant color. In fact, studies have shown that eating blueberries has been associated with a slow rate of decline in lung health in individuals. The study also suggests that this decline can be up by 38% by simply having two or more servings of blueberries in a week.
The high levels of antioxidants, flavonoids, and vitamin C content in apples have been linked to their healing properties. This also includes promoting lung health in individuals who eat apples on a regular basis. Just like with blueberries, studies have suggested that eating apples not just promotes lung health but also helps in the decline in the risk of developing lung issues. Furthermore, eating five or more apples in a week can be associated with a reduced risk of COPD and improved lung function.
A flavorful ingredient in many recipes, peppers don’t just add color to the dish but also have many nutritional benefits. They are one of the richest sources of vitamin C, a rich antioxidant that helps in lung health. According to studies, having one sweet red pepper weighing around 119 gms can deliver up to 169% of the recommended vitamin C intake to the body. This can especially be helpful to those with an unhealthy lifestyle and are on the journey of making lung-friendly choices.
Red cabbage
This vibrant vegetable is known to be rich in anthocyanins which is the pigment that gives it the red color. There are studies to suggest that eating more of anthocyanins is linked with reduced risk of lung diseases in individuals. Also, thanks to the fiber packed in red cabbage, this promotes gut health immensely. There is research to suggest that those with improved gut health are associated with improved lung health, so it is also essential to include gut-friendly foods in meals.
Coffee is packed with caffeine and antioxidants, which help with a burst of energy, but the same compounds are known to improve lung health in individuals. According to research, caffeine acts as a vasodilator, which means that it helps open up the blood vessels, which can help in better breathing, especially for those dealing with breathing issues. However, coffee can have some side effects, so it is always better to mind the amount of caffeine consumed in one day.
These fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to have anti-inflammatory properties, along with nutrients like selenium, iron, and calcium, which are all important for lung health. Studies have suggested that eating more anchovies is linked with reduced symptoms of asthma and also COPD and better lung function over time. Most fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids can be added to meals that have similar benefits. Therefore, always speak to a doctor to get any specific nutritional information and recommendation.
Pulmonary fibrosis is a condition that one develops due to an unhealthy lifestyle or other environmental factors. However, a similar condition called cystic fibrosis also affects some people. While environment or lifestyle does not cause it, it sure does put one at a higher risk of developing this disease through gene mutation. Some of the management options for these diseases include taking treatment therapies advised by the doctor, which focus on managing the symptoms of the disease. As mentioned above, food also plays an important role in the management process of these disorders. However, lung replacement therapy or surgery is advised when the tissues are highly damaged and other treatments fail to improve the overall condition of a patient with the disease.